NDIA International Division Quarterly Meeting

The NDIA International Division will take place in-person at NDIA HQ or virtually on Thursday, April 20, from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. The quarterly meetin will feature Mike Miller, Deputy Director of Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), as our keynote speaker. He will virtually provide an update from DSCA, but we encourage in person attendance so you can network with other division members.

More information and registration at the NDIA website

NDIA Spring 2023 Integrated Program Management Division Meeting

The NDIA Spring 2023 Integrated Program Management Division Meeting details have been announced and registration is open.

Dates: Lockheed Martin, 6801 Rockledge Dr., Bethesda,  MD  20817
Venue: Bethesda, MD

The Integrated Program Management Division (IPMD) is the primary forum for exchanging views and information to promote and communicate integrated program management best practices. The IPMD actively works to foster a mutual understanding and effective working relationships between industry and government regarding the development, documentation, and maintenance of effective integrated program management processes.

Get the Details and Register

Breaking: Winter 2022 IPMD Will Be Fully Virtual

The Winter 2022 Integrated Program Management (IPM) Division Meeting scheduled for January 26 – 27 will now be a completely virtual meeting.  Details and information on how this impacts you if you are already registered are available at the NDIA website.

Earned Value Management Services

Webinar Focuses on Systems Thinking

The College of Performance Management is teaming with EVA in the UK to produce a collaborative webinar series. The next event is Thursday, Oct 7 at 11 a.m. and the focus is on systems thinking in project decision making.

Dr. Karen Thompson and Dr. Nigel Williams will discuss insights gained from introducing systems thinking into project management education. They will also deep dive into the potential for developing practitioners with a new mindset based on values that prioritize long-term benefits to society.

The discussion will include:
  • Why are systems thinking important in project management?
  • How can uncertainty be managed?
  • What role can adaptation pathways play?

Registration is open online.

Lean more about the College of Performance management and other EVMS resources.


Keynote Speakers Announced for International Project Management Day 2021

Keynote speakers have been announced for IIL’s International Project Management Day Online Conference. 

The event is scheduled for Thursday, November 4 and promises to offer information that will refresh and reshape the way you work.

Keynoters include:

  • Ahmed Sidky, Ph.D., Head of Business Agility, Riot Games
  • Pamay Bassey, Chief Learning and Diversity Officer, The Kraft Heinz Company
  • Lindsay McGregor and Neel Doshi, Authors and Co-Founders, Vega Factor

Visit the event website for more details on speakers and the event agenda.

Collaborating with clients has led to Samos Advisors' success.

NDIA Integrated Program Management Division Meeting September 21

The NDIA Integrated Program Management Division will host their fall meeting on Tuesday, September 21. The IPMD meeting will be an online event and registration is open.

Get updates on cybersecurity maturity model certification, CAPE and much more.  This event is always informative for earned value management project managers and other federal project managers.

Registration is open at the NDIA website.

College of Performance Management

College of Performance Management Webinar June 17

The College of Performance Management (CPM) is presenting a webinar on Thursday, 17 June at 11:00 AM EDT. This is the fourth webinar in the CPM-EVA Trans-Atlantic Promoting Performance and People webinar series.

Presenter: David S. Cadman, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Acquisition Enablers and Director of Acquisition Analytics and Policy (AAP)

Date:  06/17/21 , 11-noon

Join the webinar here: https://bit.ly/3i9TlD1


EFCOG Annual Meeting Coming June 9-10

The EFCOG Annual Meeting is scheduled for June 9-10. Samos Advisors will be attending.

The event will take place on the Microsoft Team platform. Topics will include cybersecurity, project delivery, safeguards & security, safety, training and waste management.


Basil Soutos is the founder of Samos Advisors, LLC, a proven leader in EVMS & Project Management.

COVID-19 Impacts on Project Management Practices

Basil Soutos will be part of a panel discussion about COVID-19 impacts on project management. The event will be on February 18 from 5:00 to 7:00.

Jason Kinder of Pinnacle Management will host the panel. The focus will be on focus on how COVID-19 has changed project management practices in government and industry.

Basil and Matthew Raposo, Director of Project Controls, at Vigor will discuss how project management practices have evolved during the pandemic.

The event is presented by CPM WDC, the Washington DC Chapter of the College of Performance Management.


International Project Management Day Coming as Virtual Event

The International Institute for Learning will host International Project Management (IPM) Day 2020 as a virtual event on Nov. 5. The event will connect professionals in project management from around the world in a “create your own” virtual conference experience.

IIL President & CEO Sunil Prashara will lead a discussion focused on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in The Project Economy with Otema Yirenkyi, PMI VP Global Engagement, who also leads the association’s Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.

Attend opening day on November 5, then access sessions on demand until February 7, 2021.

Get all the details at the IPM Day website.