Winter NDIA Integrated Program Management Division Meeting Scheduled for February 6-7, 2019
Mark your calendar for the next NDIA Integrated Program Management Division (IPMD) quarterly meeting, Feb. 6-7, 2019. These highly beneficial events feature presentations by EVMS experts and end users, expert panel discussions and NDIA EVMS working groups.
NDIA IPMD meetings provide industry EVMS focal points, EVMS practitioners and project managers opportunities to learn about the latest government EVMS policies and practices. They are also an effective forum for exchanging EVMS best practices.
HTC Conference Center
1395 Troutman Blvd. Northeast
Palm Bay, FL 32905
The NDIA IPM Division meetings address the following:
- Leadership of integrated program management topics
- Stewardship of the Earned Value Management Standard (EVMS) and guidance
- Industry interface with government leaders on policy and practices
- Best practice and implementation guidance
- Working group sessions on Clearinghouse, Program Management, Planning & Scheduling, Agile & EVM, Prime/Subcontractor, Contracts, CSDR, Surveillance Guide Update
Visit the IPMD Meeting event page to register and for more information.
Encore Analytics Releases New Version of Empower
/in EVMSEncore Analytics has announced the release of Empower versions (12/9) and (1/27), featuring several exciting enhancements: User Interface Enhancements – Separate VAR thresholds for Positive Values – Empower now supports setting separate threshold values for positive variances when flagging elements for variance analysis narratives. This feature is particularly useful when a more lenient or wider