A Reputation for Exceeding Expectations
Samos Advisors has developed a reputation for exceeding client expectations. We not only adapt to your industry, but customize to your office culture in an engaging, exciting way.
Below are various agencies and contractors that Samos Advisors has had the privilege of working with.
Federal Agencies
- Department of Defense (DoD)
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- Department of Navy
- Health and Human Services / Center for Medicare and Medicaid (HHS/CMS)
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- Department of Justice (DOJ)
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Federal and Commercial Contractors
- Accenture
- Aerojet
- BAE Systems
- Boeing
- Boston Government Services
- Brown Federal Services
- Computer Science Corporation
- Fluor Federal Government Services
- Gem-eXcel
- General Dynamics
- Harris Corporation
- Integral Federal
- LinQuest
- Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Marinette Marine Company
- MAXIMUS Federal
- PharmaAthene
- Quintiles
- Raytheon
- Salient CRGT
- Sarepta
- Spirit Aerospace
- Telecommunication Systems
- Textron Land & Marine Systems
Learn more about our capabilities.
Explore how Samos Advisors can help you capture more business and execute more efficiently and effectively.
- Samos Advisors Capability Statement (PDF)
- Samos Advisors Capability Brief, 1 page version (PDF)
- Samos Advisors Capability Brief, 2 page version (PDF)
Encore Analytics Releases New Version of Empower
/in EVMSEncore Analytics has announced the release of Empower versions (12/9) and (1/27), featuring several exciting enhancements: User Interface Enhancements – Separate VAR thresholds for Positive Values – Empower now supports setting separate threshold values for positive variances when flagging elements for variance analysis narratives. This feature is particularly useful when a more lenient or wider