IP2M METRR Maturity Model
Samos Advisors was a member of DOE’s Integrated Project/Program Management Maturity and Environmental Total Risk Rating (IP2M METRR) development team. Over a 2-year period, we were seated alongside DOE leadership, Arizona State University (ASU) faculty and EVMS colleagues across industry and government to draft the model’s content and resolve multiple challenges associated with completing this new and innovative approach to assessing EVMS maturity and the environment.
EVMS is a proven industry and federal government integrated program management process to assess a project’s cost and schedule performance information, produced from the EVMS. A mature EVMS allows project team members to plan the project work scope, complete the development of an integrated project schedule and time-phased budgeting with assigned resources, use of effective monitor and control practices, and forecast the execution and accomplishment of contract/project cost, schedule, and technical performance objectives versus the baseline plan of record.
IP2M METRR allows projects to use a comprehensive assessment approach to determine EVMS maturity and environment. EVMS maturity is the degree to which an implemented system, associated processes, and deliverables serve as the basis for an effective and compliant EVMS. The environment includes the conditions (i.e., people, culture, practices, and resources) and the 27 factors that enable or limit the ability to manage the project/program using the EVMS, serving as a basis for timely and informed management decision-making.
EVMS maturity is assessed within DOE’s 10 management sub-process areas (e.g., organization, planning and scheduling). Sub-process areas are further defined into 56 “maturity attributes.” A maturity attribute is a core characteristic or quality that is essential to fielding an effective EVMS. Each of the maturity attributes is assessed on a scale from 1 to 5 to determine the EVMS maturity level. Results can be used to assess and improve the use of EVMS to manage project/program integration, scope, time, cost, quality, and other functions.
A key outcome of the combined analysis (maturity and environment) is to be able to plot maturity and environment scores on a four-quadrant matrix and correlate these scores with performance. An analysis of these data yielded a strong correlation between high (good) IP2M METRR scores and project success.
During DOE’s testing of IP2M METRR, results showed the value and capability of the different components of the tool. In general, the feedback from these users was extremely positive. The maturity and environment components of the tool performed very well in identifying critical risk issues during the EVMS implementation process and spurred important conversations about attributes not yet considered by the project/program teams. The environment component specifically indicated that management changes sometimes needed to be made to the project/program teams. As one user stated: “This tool will force the project/program team to take a closer look at the project/program reporting and management, which is a good thing.”
By using the IP2M METRR to assess both the maturity and environment of an EVMS, business leaders, project leaders and customers (government and commercial) can better understand the efficacy of the EVMS to support integrated project/program management and identify opportunities for improvement.
Our team continues to support the use of IP2M METRR to assess and improve our clients’ EVMS maturity and the environment needed to implement an EIA-748 compliant system.
As DOE continues use of IP2M METRR, Samos Advisors will grow and expand our expertise in using the model to support EVMS reviews by DOE, Department of Defense (DOD), NASA, and federal agencies. Samos Advisors also helps companies improve insight and understanding of EVMS maturity and environment.
The goal of performing an IP2M METRR assessment is to assure project/program participants are working with accurate, timely, and reliable information to manage their work, leading to successful project/program performance.
Our team can perform and IP2M METRR assessment, in preparation for EVMS DOE reviews, as part of a company’s EVMS Self-Governance program, or to better understand a company’s EVMS maturity and environment. IP2M METRR results will enhance a company’s understanding and use of EVMS across their enterprise and improve outcomes associated with internal and external assessments of compliance with EVMS requirements.
Post-Contract Award
Samos Advisors serves in positions of trust. We have been an integrated member of clients’ post-contract award teams. We have deep expertise and experience in planning, budgeting, and executing large dollar-value contracts requiring EVMS. Our team is well positioned to support and conduct mandated DOE management reviews.
Examples of Client Engagements
IP2M METRR Team Member
Samos Advisors was selected as a member of DOE’s team that developed IP2M METRR. Today, IP2M METRR is used by DOE to assess the maturity and environment of a contractor’s EVMS.
This new and innovative approach allows corporate leaders, project managers and DOE to understand the efficacy of their EVMS. Further, IP2M METRR assists the client’s team to identify areas where additional emphasis, training, commitment, or investment will enhance EVMS maturity and the environment to deploy and use EVMS as part of a comprehensive project management approach.
Throughout the post-contract award time frame, Samos Advisor’s IP2M METRR assessments can be used to prepare for EVMS reviews and to assure program/project leaders that EVMS reports are providing internal and external recipients with accurate, timely, auditable, and reliable information needed to plan and manage the work and make supportable decisions needed for successful program/project performance.
Triad Team Member
Triad is a cooperative venture (LLC) to manage Los Alamos National Laboratory and Samos Advisors provided EVMS consulting services for the Project Controls Central organization. Samos Advisors was brought on-board to assist leaders and project teams to develop and apply EVMS best practices, conduct training, develop policy and support EVMS internal reviews.
Our initial work with Triad included the design and development of an EVMS mentoring program to enable a workforce new to EVMS concepts, applications, and use, to integrate into the planning and management of science and technology projects.
Working in conjunction with Triad project personnel, Samos Advisors developed and provided remote and “chair-to-chair” mentoring to the Triad workforce. Mentoring examples included ETC/EAC development and Schedule Health Metrics (SHM) best practices. Our efforts were key to reducing the EVMS learning-curve for new hires and improving the use of EVMS by seasoned project professionals.
Samos Advisors was also tasked to review, write, and assist in the management of EVMS and associated project management policies needed to make EVMS work within Triad’s project teams. This effort required significant engagement with Triad personnel to ensure what we developed could be integrated within the Triad culture and capabilities. Our skills in working with project teams, having diverse knowledge and application of EVMS was a key attribute of our success. Samos Advisors produced an initial set of documents and continued to support this effort through the coordination cycle requiring daily engagement with leaders, managers, and offices having responsibility for internal processes and practices such as finance, project controls, supply-chain, and contracts.
Samos Advisors supported the Triad EVMS-Program Office in conducting a critical “White-Hat” EVMS review on a multi-year billion-dollar construction contract. Our team conducted over a dozen risk management and baseline change control CAM interviews. As a result of the interviews, we identified and documented key process and implementation concerns. These concerns were presented to senior management for further consideration and future disposition.
“Basil’s technical prowess, dedication, talent, and dutifulness shine through in every aspect of his work. He consistently demonstrates exemplary leadership, communication skills, work ethic, and teamwork abilities, making him a standout candidate in any professional setting.
– LANL Project Controls Leadership
N3B Team Member
Samos Advisors served as a project leader in achieving EIA-748 compliance for N3B, a $2.1 billion DOE environmental management contract.
Samos Advisors operated in a “badge-less” environment, connecting daily with N3B personnel from the top to the bottom of the organization. Samos Advisors was responsible for critical aspects of EVMS to include developing EVMS policies and implementation strategy, development of training curriculum, conduct of CAM training and mentoring, served as EVMS compliance officer when leading engagements with customers (DOE) engaged in EVMS oversight, data quality and accuracy of reports (internal and external) required by contract, liaison with DOE leaders at their headquarters, preparing personnel for reviews, and closing-out review actions.
Our work resulted in all actions being closed and DOE’s determination of EVMS compliance with contract requirements. In addition to the structure and rigor needed associated with preparing and conducting an EVMS compliance review, Samos Advisors worked with the N3B team to ensure they were ready and able to effectively operate in project reviews conducted by DOE, integrate subcontractor performance, and develop estimates for project budgets and schedules.
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- Samos Advisors Capability Statement (PDF)
- Samos Advisors Capability Brief, 1 page version (PDF)
- Samos Advisors Capability Brief, 2 page version (PDF)
Encore Analytics Releases New Version of Empower
/in EVMSEncore Analytics has announced the release of Empower versions (12/9) and (1/27), featuring several exciting enhancements: User Interface Enhancements – Separate VAR thresholds for Positive Values – Empower now supports setting separate threshold values for positive variances when flagging elements for variance analysis narratives. This feature is particularly useful when a more lenient or wider