EVMS Acronyms

EVMS Acronyms

The following EVMS acronyms are defined in the Department of Defense Earned Value Management System Interpretation Guide.

  • AC
    Actual Cost
  • ACWP
    Actual Cost of Work Performed
  • ATP
    Authorization To Proceed
  • AUW
    Authorized Unpriced Work
  • BAC
    Budget at Completion
  • BCR
    Baseline Change Request
  • BCWP
    Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
  • BCWS
    Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
  • BEI
    Baseline Execution Index
  • BOM
    Bill of Materials
  • CA
    Control Account
  • CAM
    Control Account Manager
  • CAMP
    Corrective Action Management Plan
  • CAP
    Control Account Plan
  • CAR
    Corrective Action Request
  • CAS
    Cost Accounting Standards
  • CASB
    Cost Accounting Standards Board
  • CBB
    Contract Base Budget
  • CCCB
    Configuration Change Control Board
  • CDRL
    Contract Data Requirements List
  • CEAC
    Comprehensive Estimates at Completion
  • CFSR
    Contract Funds Status Report
  • CEAC
    Comprehensive Estimates at Completion
  • CFSR
    Contract Funds Status Report
  • COM
    Cost of Money
  • CP
    Critical Path
  • CPI
    Cost Performance Index
  • CPM
    Critical Path Method
  • CPR
    Contract Performance Report
  • CSDR
    Cost and Software Data Reporting
  • CWBS
    Contract Work Breakdown Structure
  • CV
    Cost Variance
  • DB
    Distributed Budget
  • DCMA
    Defense Contract Management Agency
    Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
  • DoDI
    DoD Instruction
    Department of Energy Compliance Assessment Guide
    Department of Energy Integrated Project Management/Maturity and Environment Total Risk Rating
  • DID
    Data Item Description
  • DR
    Discrepancy Report
  • EAC
    Estimate at Completion
    EVMS Compliance Review Standard Operating Procedure
  • EIA
    Electronic Industries Alliance
  • EOC
    Elements of Costs
  • ETC
    Estimate to Complete
  • EV
    Earned Value
  • EVM
    Earned Value Management
  • EVMS
    Earned Value Management System
  • EVT
    Earned Value Technique
  • FAR
    Federal Acquisition Regulation
  • FPRA
    Forward Pricing Rate Agreement
  • G&A
    General & Administrative
  • GAAP
    Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  • GPD
    Grouping, Pegging and Distribution
  • IBR
    Integrated Baseline Review
  • IC
    Intelligence Community
  • IEAC
    Independent Estimate at Completion
  • IMP
    Integrated Master Plan
  • IMS
    Integrated Master Schedule
  • IPT
    Integrated Product Team
  • IPMR
    Integrated Program Management Report
  • LOE
    Level of Effort
  • M&O
    Maintenance and Operations
  • M/ERP
    Manufacturing/Enterprise Resource Planning
  • MMAS
    Material Management and Accounting System
  • MPV
    Material Price Variance
  • MR
    Management Reserve
  • MTD
    Month to Date
  • NCC
    Negotiated Contract Cost
    Naval Sea Systems Command
  • NTE
  • OBS
    Organized Breakdown Structure
  • ODC
    Other Direct Cost
  • OH
    Overhead (or indirect costs)
  • OMB
    Office of Management and Budget
  • OTB
    Over-Target Baseline
  • OTS
    Over Target Schedule
    Performance Assessments and Root Cause Analyses
  • PBOM
    Priced Bill of Materials
  • PEP
    Project Execution Plan
  • PERT
    Program Evaluation and Review Technique
  • PM
    Program or Project Manager
  • PMB
    Performance Measurement Baseline
  • PMO
    Project Management Office
  • PMP
    Project Management Plan
  • POP
    Period of Performance
  • PP
    Planning Package
  • PV
    Planned Value
  • QBD
    Quantifiable Backup Data
  • RAM
    Responsibility Assignment Matrix
  • RFP
    Request for Proposal
  • SDD
    System Description Document
  • SLPP
    Summary Level Planning Package
  • SOW
    Statement of Work
  • SPI
    Schedule Performance Index
  • SPA
    Single Point Adjustment
  • SRA
    Schedule Risk Assessment
    Navy Supervisor of Shipbuilding
  • SV
    Schedule Variance
  • SVTs
    Schedule Visibility Tasks
  • SWO
    Stop Work Order
  • TAB
    Total Allocated Budget
  • TCPI
    Total Complete Performance Index
  • UB
    Undistributed Budget
  • VAR
    Variance Analysis Report
  • VAC
    Variance at Completion
  • WAD
    Work Authorization Document
  • WBS
    Work Breakdown Structure
  • WBSD
    Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary
  • WP
    Work Package

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